28 August 2011

Best commercial ever!


BGMにもなってるMaia Hirasawaの"Boom"のyoutubeページで

”海外の人に「これが日本の風景だよ、東京や京都じゃなくて、この­景色が、これが、日本人の平均的な故郷だよ」と言いたい。” by HAIKIKOU


18 August 2011



10 August 2011

away from Tokyo for 7days


和歌山→三重→長野→新潟 といったかんじです。


かもめ食堂 & (500)日のサマー

Love these movies:-)


7 August 2011

favourite band

I've found the most suitable comment on youtube to describe exactly how I feel about Mew.

The only reason I hate Mew is because every freakin time I try to listen to one song, I end up listening to EVERY song by them and it takes all fkn day. :-)

2 August 2011


I just wonder, was the summer always this long? The June was really really hot this year in Japan, so that probably makes me think the summer longer. All language have this term "time flies" or "time is money". It is so true, time run away so quickly from our sight so we have no time to waste.

I believe the autumn or the winter this year will be great season for me. No reason. I just feel that. I hope I can go somewhere again just like I did in last year. And I want to be like the picture above. Drinking hot coffee in cold snowy country.

That is the best.
